Discover the many sides of South Tyrol!

Breathtaking landscapes, crystal-clear air − for a holiday of superlatives.

The Kaufmann Hotel has a peaceful location, nestled between parks and recreational areas. Just a few meters from our hotel, you’ll find pathways and hiking trails leading in all directions of the compass and to all altitudes. Including to the unique hilly landscapes of Castelfeder, where visitors can still view the remains of prehistoric and Roman settlements. Today, Castelfeder is appreciated by locals and vacationers in particular as a place of peace and placidness.

Auer / Ora is located in the South of South Tyrol at an altitude of 250 meters above sea-level, on the sunny side of the South Tyrolean Wine Route, near Bozen / Bolzano. It is a peaceful wine village with a romantic atmosphere coming from the handsome farmsteads, picturesque vineyards, and a labyrinth of narrow lanes.

Additionally, the central location of our village allows you to reach a great number of towns and points of interest in the vicinity quickly and without lots of driving. Destinations include: Bozen / Bolzano, the Dolomites, the Lake Kaltern / Lago di Caldaro, the Montiggl / Monticolo Lakes, or the Bletterbach Gorge. We will be delighted to provide you with helpful advice!

UNESCO Geoparc Bletterbach & Trudner Horn / Monte Corno Nature Park

It’s 400 meters deep and eight kilometers long. For 15,000 years, the little Bletterbach has worked through layer after layer of rock, exposing 250 million years of geological history.

The resulting canyon allows visitors to “travel through time” and learn about dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.

The idyllic alpine villages in the Trudner Horn / Monte Corno Nature Park are a special treat for vacationers seeking peace and tranquility. The hiking area of the Trudner Horn Nature Park is just a few minutes away from our hotel by car, and is an ideal destination to spend the most-relaxing days of the year amidst pristine natural beauty. In the Trudner Horn Nature Park, you’ll be enchanted by the crystal-clear brooks, lush forests, charming meadows, impressive mountains, and verdant fields of wild flowers.

Bozen / Bolzano, the Wine City

Viniculture (wine-growing) has had a great impact upon the landscape of Bozen / Bolzano. Vineyards cover the hillsides and mountain slopes up to an altitude of about 700 meters above sea-level, giving the entire region a distinctive flair. With something over 700 hectares of vineyards, Bozen is – after Eppan / Appiano with approx. 1,000 hectares and Kaltern / Caldaro (800 ha) – the third-largest wine-growing community of South Tyrol and one of the biggest wine-producing cities of Europe. Bozen is a wine city with many brilliant facets: An incomparable landscape, excellent wine terrain, and industrious wine-growers and cellar masters who have every reason to be proud of their high-quality wines.

The South Tyrolean Wine Route

The South Tyrolean Wine Route is the oldest wine route of Italy. It begins in Nals / Nalles, and continue on through Bozen / Bolzano, the Überetsch / Oltradige Valley and the Unterland all the way to Salurn / Salorno, the border of South Tyrol. The South Tyrolean Wine Route has been chosen as the most-beautiful wine routes of Italy. This decision was based especially upon the perfect interplay of wine, landscape, culture, and tourism. The route is dotted with different villages and wine-cellars where you can stop by and learn more about and enjoy wine.

Whether you prefer the bicycle or the motorcycle – whether you travel alone or in a group: An excursion through the wine villages and along the Wine Route is simply enjoyable.

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